
I am in Hany's blog

Hello friends,

I just want to post this, as this amazed me. My friend Hany, who lives in New Hampshire, USA, and her DH, Bill, visited me some time ago to my town, Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia. She stayed two nights in my house and we spent time together. Hany also visited my craft gallery, and she specially wrote it in her blog. Amazing. Please have time to click the blog and read it. Hany ever wrote about me to begin her blog 2 years ago. Check it out.

Here are the pictures that I took. The first one was when I asked them to join me in the English Program that I host. We talked about their wonderful life in NH. The second one was taken when Bill showed his amazing ability in playing piano and I sang "The End Of The World" with him on the piano.. Woohooo....

Thanks, Hany, for writing about your trip to Cirebon and my gallery. See you again...


Heni Prasetyorini said...

salam kenal mbak Dwita
baruu saja aku baca tulisan ttg mbak Dwita di blognya mbak Hany..

suka mbak sama galery-nya dan inspirasinya, :))

Hany Von Gillern said...

Thank you for telling your readers about my post about you. Hey ... I haven;t seen that pic of Bill ... pretty good ... thanks :)