
Cook Up A Card - September Recipe

Hi friends,

Wowowow... it's September now.... Time flies sooooooo fast. Don't you think so? In my country, the months ending with "ber" indicating the months of raining. So, be ready for much rain starting this September. I remember the song:
Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day
Little Kezia wants to play
Rain, rain, go away

The first time I found this song, I immediately changed the name into my first Dd's name. So, since that time, every time the rain comes, we oftern sing that song. My Dd even taught that song to her younger sisters later on. Raining also makes some leaves fall.

This is the
Cook Up A Card recipe this month:

3 colors of Autumn
2 ribbons
1 poem.

This is my take on that recipe.

Don't hesitate to join us. Thanks for joining the challenge. See you then


Unknown said...

beautiful card mba D...love the poem as well!


Moccavanila by Vera Rhuhay said...

Beautiful card.Mb.Dwit! Love the autums colors here!

Monika Reeck said...

I love that DAUN Mbak and love the colors of the daun and sentiment aku ga ada print warna jeh hehe...beautifully done Mbak Dwita...

Susie Little said...

I love the falling leaves and beautiful choice of colours xxx

Yenni Natalia said...

cantik sekali.....warnanya..daun nya...super cantik.
mabak dwita kalau mau business card saya bisa saya kirim. kirim alam mba dwita ke email aku ya


Anonymous said...

[url=http://www.pi7.ru/main/1894-v-moskovskoe-metro-vselilsya-dyavol.html ]Как найти среди коллег полоумного? [/url]
В диалоге со знакомой узнала, что она моет голову 1 раз в неделю. У нее короткие волосы типа "ежиком". Мне это показалось таким ужасом! Я уж не представляю как часто она принимает душ, но отношение к ней как-то пошатнулось. А есть ли между форумчан такие?